Month: November 2019

The Collaborative Research Centre 953 "Synthetic Carbon Allotropes" may enter the third and final round, as the DFG has just decided. We are very much looking forward to further highly interesting years with our colleagues from chemistry, physics and materials science.

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Our Master student Leon Brückner was selected to take part in the International School and Symposium on Nanoscale Transport and phoTonics (ISNTT) 2019, which takes place this November in Atsugi, Japan. Thanks to a generous scholarship by the Japanese telecommunications company NTT he is able to fly ...

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If you are interested in a master's degree or a doctorate in photonics, apply now or by 15 December: We are also part of the Max Planck School for Photonics, but do currently not offer any topic there because two of our team members are already...

Category: News

Dr. Peyman Yousefi won the SEM competition at Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology with a scanning electron micrograph of structure for laser-driven electron acceleration on a chip. The competition is based on intricacy, function and sheer beauty of the images. Congratulations!

Category: News